CIS 115

Fundamentals of Programming

AC Chapin
please use the discussion boards in Brightspace
unless you need a private response
(i.e. asking about a grade)

Office Hours
MTWR 2:45 - 4:00pm in J007 or J009 or J135

  • only use concepts we have covered in class so far
  • indent lines inside structures like if and else, but line up if/else/endif
  • use double quotes around strings: "hello" is a string, hello is a variable
homework 4 - Arrays(due April 11)
homework 3 - Loops(due March 21, groups allowed - use your hwk03 group number if working alone)
These use materials up to the end of conditionals, but you should be able to make a good start based on what we have covered so far.
project 1 (due March 14, groups allowed - use your proj1 group number if working alone)
homework 2 - Conditionals(due March 7, groups allowed - use your hwk02 group number if working alone)
homework 1 - Variables(due February 21)