Project 1


I will grade based on correct use of course concepts and on readability of your code.

For this project, explicitly write code to do any calculations, make decisions, and print to the user; nothing (other than input) should need you to make up a module.

In a text document write pseudocode for the following:

  1. [20] Accept three numbers from a user and display a message if the sum of any two of those numbers equals the other number.
  2. [40] Users are buying a meal.  The base options are: chicken $9.99, beef $12.99, fish $10.99, tofu $8.  They can get any of those meals as a platter which adds another $5 and inclues a drink, a roll, and a salad). Or they can order ala carte: if so, they can add any combination of: a drink costs $2.50, a roll costs $.99, soup costs $4, salad costs $4, and dessert costs $6.  Display all this information, get their choices, and calculate how much it costs.  Tell them their total, then add on a 20% tip and 15% tax, and tell them their final bill
  3. [40] Patients in our study who have blood sugar between 85 and 95 who also have at least 130 systolic blood pressure need to be evaluated for de Coverlet's syndrome.  Patients whose blood sugar is outside that range and have systolic blood pressure less than 120  but diastolic blood pressure over 120 should be tested for Quartermain's syndrome.  The standard test for de Coverlet's is free under Blue Insurance plans but costs $20 under Red Insurance.  The Quartermain's test is covered under both insurance plans if the patient is over 50, otherwise the Blue plan charges $20 and the Red plan charges $30.  Get the patient's information and tell them what they should be tested for and how much it will cost. (Assume only people with either Red or Blue plans are part of our study.)