Homework 6

Part A

Answer the following in a Word or .txt document. Attach this to the same submission as for part B
  1. Discuss how designing a program in an object oriented paradigm would be different than in a procedural paradigm. Include a brief definition of each paradigm and discuss advantages and disadvantages of each.
  2. A game has owls carrying messages between wizards. Each wizard lives in a tower which may be surrounded by difficult magical effects or weather. Some messages may include treasure, others may include spell scrolls that are dangerous under certain circumstances, such as getting wet or being dropped. Wizards may feed or try to harm or capture another wizard's owl. Different owls have different strengths and weaknesses. Create an object oriented design for this scenario, including classes, characteristics, and behavior methods. You are only being asked for the design, not to write any code. (There is not one right answer, your design should show me that you thought through the situation and how it might be coded in an object oriented format)

Part B