CIS 214

Java Programming

AC Chapin
please use the discussion boards in Brightspace
unless you need a private response
(i.e. asking about a grade)

Office Hours
MTWR 2:45 - 4:00pm in J007 or J009 or J135

Brightspace login (Helpdesk: 443 412 2777)


Project in NetBeans

Input Using Scanner

On the Command Line

get Netbeans

Note that class numbers just represent the day the work is due -- if we skip a day we will skip that class number.

Next - Polymorphism
Class 11: Inheritance
Homework 4 - Arrays (due March 14, groups allowed)
Class 10: Advanced Arrays
Class 09: Arrays
Class 08: Methods
Homework 3 - Loops and Switch (due Feb 28, you may work in groups)
Class 07: Loops
Class 06: Conditionals
Class 05: Standard Class Methods
Class 04: Memory
Class 03: Classes and Objects
Class 02: Variables & Expressions
Homework 1 (due Feb 7)
Homework 2 is a set of quizzes in Brightspace (due Feb 28)
Class 01: Hello World / Compile & Interpret