Homework 1

Part A

Create a Java project (hwk01userid) in netbeans at home which reads in a temperature in Farenheit as an integer and converts it to Celsius. Then read in a temperature in Celsius convert it to Farenheit. Use nice prompts and print your output in a helpful way. You will turn in your zipped netbeans project just as we do in class.

Part B

Do in a Word or text document and attach alongside your zipped netbeans project, not zipped into the project.
  1. What topic from your programming course(s) so far did you find most difficult? What was hard about it for you? What was most helpful in learning to use it?
  2. What has been your favorite programming structure to use?
  3. What is an aspect of your personal programming style? This could be a particular way of naming variables, a shortcut operator you hate and never use, a particular way you like to set up conditionals, how you use comments... anything that you might do that doesn't change how the code works but makes it particulary yours.

Remember to download your zip from blackboard, unzip it, and drag the unzipped directory to netbeans to make sure you submitted what you intended.