Operating Systems

102 OS notes | PDF

Audio Quick Review (9:50)

Review Questions

This is not work to be turned in for a grade.  They are however very similar to the questions on the Comprehension Quiz.

  1. What are the three main jobs of the Operating System?
  2. Name three different operating systems (different versions of the same system do not count).
  3. What is a command line interface?
  4. What is a WIMP GUI?
  5. What does WIMP GUI stand for?
  6. What is a device driver?
  7. What is the kernel of the OS?
  8. What is multitasking?
  9. What is multithreading?
  10. Under what circumstances must we do timeslicing instead of parallel processing?
  11. What is timeslicing?
  12. What is a context switch.
  13. What is overhead in timeslicing?
  14. What is an interrupt?
  15. What is the advantage of an interrupt based system?
  16. What is a logical address? What is a physical address?
  17. What is a page table?
  18. How does virtual memory deal with making sure programs can run at any location in MM?
  19. How does virtual memory keep programs from overwriting each other in MM?
  20. What common confusion do people have about virtual memory and page swapping?
  21. How does page swapping help when we run out of space in MM?
  22. Does page swapping slow down the running of a program?
  23. How is virtual memory involved in page swapping?