Control - While Loops

Control - While Loops

Deitel 4


Create a project, and in it a class with a main.

We will be using the Scanner class to read from the user. At the top of your main class, after the package statement, paste

import java.util.Scanner;
As the first line inside your main method, paste
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
In order to read from the user, we use the Scanner like this:
int x = scan.nextInt(); // read an int
double d = scan.nextDouble(); // read a double
String s =; // read a String

Overall hint for this (and most) assignments:  local variables are free!  
If you need another variable to hold a value in order to do a task, add it! 
(Instance variables are different, you can't just keep adding them.)

Part A

In your main, create a String variable secretPet and set it to the name of some type of animal.

Ask the user to guess what type the pet is,  and read in their response (you need a variable for this).  Put this code in a loop that repeats until they guess the  right string. (hint: we need to read the value from the user inside the loop, but the loop needs to check the user's value to start off with, so you will need to give it some dummy value to start the loop)

After the loop, congratulate them on figuring it out.

 Part B

In your main (or you may add another class with main if you prefer; if so, give them names so it is clear which is which), create a double variable balance, that starts as 10.

We want to read in a deposit amount from the user and if it is a positive number, add it to the balance, but as long as they give us negative numbers, we want to keep asking them to try again.  To do this:

Ask the user for how much to add to balance (you will need another variable), and read in the number. 

Using a loop, as long as the number they entered was invalid, make them keep entering, remembering that you need to print to ask every time

(If you don't need to say something different (like be rude or say explicitly it is invalid) you can just read in within the loop.  If you want to be polite the first time but rude later, you'll need to read in once before the loop and again inside the loop.)

Once you finally have a valid value, add that to balance and print the result.

Part C

Continuing in the same main, we will use loops to do a simple menu.  The options are:

0. Quit
1. Show Balance
2. Clear Balance
3. Deposit

We want to repeatedly show these options, get input from the user, and act on their choice, until they choose 0 to quit.

To do this:

Create an int variable userInput and set it to any number but 0 (since 0 is the quit value)

Next, set up the loop so we repeat until the user input is the choice for quit (0). 

Then, inside the loop, print the options, as shown above, and read in the user's input

Later inside the same loop, use conditionals to decide what to do based on user input:

If they enter 1, print out the current value of balance.

If they enter 2, set the balance to 0. 

If they enter 3, we want to get a deposit amount.  Move the code your wrote for depositing in part B so that it happens here instead of before the loop.

(If they give an invalid choice, you can just ignore it. )

[EC] Add another option 4. Withdraw, which does the same as Deposit but gets an amount to subtract from the user.  The number must be positive but also not larger than the current balance (loop until the value is acceptable)