Conditionals - nesting if/else

Conditionals - Nesting / toString

Deitel 4.1-4.7


reminder: please only use things we have covered to this point, even if you happen to already know about things like boolean operators.

Part A

In your project, create a class with a main method, TestCollectors.

Paste the following code into your main.  It was written by someone who doesn't understand if and else.  Fix this code to do the same thing, but using if and else correctly.

int x = 5; // code should work for any value of x
int y = 10; // code should work for any value of y
if (x < y) {
	System.out.println("x is small");
} else if (! (x < y)) {
	if (x == y) {
		System.out.println("they are same");
	} else if (x != y) {
		if (x > y) {
			System.out.println("x is big");


Part B

☑ Add new class, Collector, which has an int instance variable collected, to keep track of how many of something they collected, another int available, for how many of that thing exist, and a boolean completist, which is true if we want to collect every item available, or false if we don't care about having the complete set.

☑ Add a method addToCollection.  In this method, add one to collected and report the new value.  Also if after adding we have collected all the available items, print a congratulatory message.

☑ Write a toString for this class as follows:

If there are more objects collected than are available, the result should be something like

an overflowing collection with 20 out of 15 items

if  there are exactly the same number collected as available

a perfect collection with 15 out of 15 items

if there are fewer collected than are available, it depends whether we are being completist, so either

a sadly incomplete collection with 10 out of 15 items


a collection with 10 out of 15 items

☑ [EC] Actually, if the number available is 0, no matter how many are collected, the result should be

not really a collection at all

adjust your toString accordingly

☑ In your main (after part A), create several Collectors with different values and check that their toStrings come out correctly


 ☑ Add a new (different from part A) class with a main.  In main,  ask the user for a value for each of  three int variables x, y, and z.

 ☑ Using conditionals and nesting/else-if, print the three ints back out in increasing order.  (You can ignore the case where two numbers are the same)

So whether you were given 2, 1, 3,  or 1,2,3 or 3,1,2, you'd print out 1,2,3.

You may add extra variables (i.e. small, med, and large) if you wish, but that is not the only way to solve this.

(hint: think about how many possible combinations there are.  There is NO WAY to make the code shorter than just testing for all the possible combinations.  I promise.  There is no trick to shortening this.  You must handle every possibility.)

Make sure you test all possible orders for the three numbers.