StudentGrade Project
Create a java project using the usual naming (you can assume you will always
create one for every homework unless explicitly told otherwise). Include a
class with main where you can test your other classes
Part A
☑ Create a class StudentGrade. Give it instance variables for: a
classwork average, a homework average, and a test grade. Include
all these values in the toString
☑ Add a method showGrade, which displays
(this means prints) an overall weighted average, using
the following weighting:
classwork 50% homework 40% final test 10%.
☑ [EC+15] Add a method findMinFinal. In this method, using the weightings
first find what weighted
average they'd have in the class without the final test. Based
on this, report what grade they'd need on the final test to get an A in the
class (hint: 90% is an A, think through the algebra and then write code
to make java do the final calculation; java cannot do the algebra for
You don't have to do anything special about the case where they'd need a
higher grade than they can possibly get, for instance if they'd need
300% on the final test to get an A, just report it.
☑ In your main, create at least two StudentGrades, give them different
values, and check that this much works.
Part B
☑ Create a new class Student. Give it instance variables
for first and last names, and
an instance variable grade, which is a StudentGrade (not an
int, not a String, not a double, a StudentGrade). In the
toString, include both the names and the grade.
☑ Add a method aceFinal, which
reports that the student aced the final test and sets their
final test grade to 100
(think about where the final test grade lives and how you access it).
☑ Add a method doEC, which reports that the student has done all the extra
credit and adds 10 to their homework grade. (This is not accurate
for how our course works.)
☑ Add a method skipClass, which reports that the student has skipped
multiple classes and subtracts 10 from their classwork grade.
(This is not accurate for how our course works.)
☑ In main, create at least two
Students and test that all this works.
Note that all these methods will blow up the program if you try to call
before giving the Student a StudentGrade, so think about what order to
do things when you get to main.
Part C
In Student, add an instance variable studyBuddy, of type Student.
Also add a method helpOut, which adds 5 to the studyBuddy's classwork
average (not mine, my buddy's).
Note that this method will also blow up the program if you try to use it
before giving the Student a StudentGrade.
In main, write code to represent the following situation, trying to
reflect how it is written as closely as you can in code:
Vex and Vax are students, and are each other's study buddy. Vex got Bs
in all parts of the class, while Vax got B's on classwork but D's
on homework. Vax's study buddy did all the extra credit.
Vax's study buddy's study buddy often skipped class, but aced the final
Vex's study buddy's study buddy's study buddy did their best to help
Also display their final grades.