---------------------------- string password = "*****" do print "password?" input user while (user != password) print "welcome user!" ---------------------------- num income do print "income?" input income while (income < 0) print "income?" input income while (income < 0) print "no negative income)" input income endwhile ---------------------------- int count = 0 while (count < 10) print "#" + count count = count + 1 endwhile for (int count = 0 count < 10 count = count + 1) print "#" + count endfor for (int count = 0; count < 10; count = count + 1) print "#" + count endfor ---------------------------- double bill = getBill() String more do double coupon = prompt "how much is your coupon?" bill = bill - coupon more = prompt "Do you have more?" while (more == "yes") print "Your bill is now $" + bill ---------------------------- for (int count = 10; count > 10; count = count - 1) print "#" + count endfor ---------------------------- int power = 0 for (int num = 1; num <= 1024; num = num *2 ) print "2 to the " + power + " is " + num power = power + 1 endfor int num = 1 for (int power = 0; num <= 1024; power = power + 1 ) print "2 to the " + power + " is " + num num = num * 2 endfor ----------------------------