// if without else double ponyPrice = 1299.99 print "how much money do you have?" double funds = input if (ponyPrice <= funds) then print "buying a pony" funds = funds - ponyPrice endif print "left with $" + funds ---------------------------- double ponyPrice = 1299.99 print "how much money do you have?" double funds = input if (ponyPrice <= funds) then print "buying a pony" funds = funds - ponyPrice else print "No Pony Today :-<" endif print "left with $" + funds ---------------------------- // assume we have a module that can tell us this boolean notRaining = weather() if (notRaining) then print "pool appointment today" elseif --or------------------------ String raining = prompt "Is it raining?" if (raining == "no") then goToPool() // module that knows how to do this elseif ---------------------------- double money = checkBankBalance() if (money > 100) then print "I'M RICH!!!" endif ---------------------------- String pieOnSale = prompt "Is pie on sale today?" if (pieOnSale == "yes") then print "buy pie" else print "buy cake" endif --or------------------------ const double MAX_PIE_PRICE = 12.99 double piePrice = prompt "How much is pie today?" if (piePrice < MAX_PIE_PRICE) then buyPie() // module that knows how to do this else buyCake() // module that knows how to do this endif ---------------------------- double funds = prompt "How much money do you have?" double price = prompt "What is the price?" String buyOrSell = prompt "Buy or sell?" if (buyOrSell == "BUY") then funds = funds - price else funds = funds + price elseif